Scuffed Docs & Warmer Evenings

Words: Eerie Rose

May is here! The spring is well and truly beginning, the greyness of an English April turning into warmer, brighter evenings. I notice I’m leaving my windows open longer, butterflies catch my eye in hedgerows, everything feels very, very slightly not as overwhelming. It feels like the right time to scuff some boots in a dusty pit at at festival, or put the world to rights in a beer garden somewhere before your mate’s gig. There’s lots to look forward to in the 5.18 world this month, including our second festival of the season, Bearded Theory. I’d also like to spotlight more fashion and art content this month, so do get in touch if you have a submission -!

This is the first monthly editor’s note in a new series, which will develop over time with new regular features and such, but for now let me bestow upon you the first 5.18 [ eerie music playing ] playlist, curated this month around feelings of new energy. I wanted to capture political and social issues and the push to be proactive about them in a mix that varies between old and new diy punk. You can listen to it on Spotify as embedded or just look up the artists from the playlist as it’s written!

Have a beautiful springtime,
