Pigeonhole "Death of a Blue Whale"

Words: Ellie Connor-Phillips @elliecp_ interviews Pigeonhole frontman Marko Andić @pigeonhole_band. Single cover art by Faye Matloub, Live Photos by @clarathecarefreechicken and @joshahwawa

North London’s Pigeonhole are back with the new single “Death of a Blue Whale,” bringing us all some much needed new music during this strange time of lockdowns and quarantine. We had a little chat about the new track in our first ‘isolation interview’…

Firstly, how are you?! It’s a rough time for everyone at the minute…how are you finding the lockdown? How is it affecting you as a band?

Trying to adapt, thought this would be a good time to get sober for a bit but that hasn't really worked out. The band’s all scattered in and around London at the moment, I haven't seen them since we’ve been “locked down”. We spent a lot of time gigging and messing about together quite vigorously prior to this though, so it’s probably come at a good time to give us a little break from each-other; we were starting to get on each-others tits really - I also need a haircut. 

Tell us a little about the new release, ‘Death of a Blue Whale.’ (would love to hear a little about the artwork too!)

Initially the song was going to be a lot more structured, I think I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted it to be about. That kinda degenerated though, it’s just ended up reading like a rant; I'm just venting really. I suppose it’s quite personal, revels in its own filth and all, perhaps the lyrics don't resonate with everyone but I’d rather they resonate with less people at a more poignant level than come out with some generalising drivel for “the masses”. I think there’s plenty of that kind of stuff around already. The cover art was done by our close friend Faye Matloub, she’s mighty talented and knows us quite well so it only really took about 15 mins over a video call for her to get the mess in our heads onto paper; it is a messy cover - I quite like it that way. 

How has it been releasing music in lockdown? Did you plan to release this track now – I think you reference the pandemic (unless I am literally hearing things which after being on my own for almost 4 weeks now is more than likely)! Does this song reflect your experience in these last few weeks or did it just so happen to fit so well with the time?

We’ve been planning on sticking this thing out for a while now, pretty coincidental that its come at this time. We didn't reference the pandemic specifically but it seems as if there’s always been some kind of apocalyptic event on the horizon the past few months so really its just carried over. At least it can hold its relevance for a tad longer now. 

What inspires you to write? Where do you usually start with a new track, what is the process like?


Unfortunately the process isn't that exciting, probably the same as most others. I’ve got a fuck ton of note-books filled with random drawings and phrases and my voice memos occupy most of the space on my phone. I guess I'm most inspired to actually make something out of them when I’m a tad intoxicated. Makes me feel like I'm about to write the next Bohemian Rhapsody or something you know? Obviously that’s never been the case. Then when I sober up I’ll try to pick up the pieces and put together something mildly listenable. There’s so much stupid shit in the backlog, we could probably make up a good 20 albums of absolute waffle. 

How do you stay motivated to create in times like this?

Honestly, I feel like it’s the only thing I can do right now; I’d go stir-crazy otherwise. I’ve never been a fan of leaving myself to my thoughts so keeping occupied with whatever it is keeps me mostly sane. 

What is the plan going forward? A lot of artists have been adapting by playing live shows online, or producing more content for their audience online. Is this something you might do? How important are in-real-life shows to you as a band?

I suppose we should, I think we’re enjoying the time off for the minute, we were starting to burnout a bit before this. We’ll come up with something soon. I’m pretty terrible at the media and PR side of this so I’m hoping one of the other guys comes up with an interesting idea for a live-stream or something. We have had an interesting offer from a Pittsburgh based DIY zine to play a live streamed set, lord knows how we’ll do that at 3am without pissing the neighbours off. The “in-real-life” live shows are essential to us, I’d always much rather get a good gig than get stuck on some editorial playlist, you get a lot of those artists that get a hundred thousand listens on a track but couldn't hold a crowd of people for 30 seconds, if you ask me that’s the whole point of this. The live stuff. 

Looking back to the times when we were allowed to be less than two metres from each other, you’d started the year with gigs at The Windmill and The Engine Rooms, to name a few. What is your favourite venue to play, or where would you like to play but haven’t yet? What kind of crowd do you enjoy the most – or do you have any favourite gigs you’ve played? 

The Windmill has to be the favourite. It’s been so essential not just to us but to the “scene” as a whole. I remember seeing this wonk-pop/grunge-gaze band “Bat-Bike” my first time down there, “The Honkies” and “The Rebel” were on the same bill and I was just taking it in like, “Yeah, fuck it I can do that, that’s what I want to do.” So to be able to hop on that stage after rinsing the venue for a good 3-4 years is certainly a pleasant feeling. Far as crowds go, its nice playing to ones that know of you already, getting a phrase or two screamed back at you is definitely good ego-fuel but in a lot of ways I think we prefer a crowd that doesn't know who we are. Makes it a challenge to try and turn them around to us. We played a gig in the basement of a house in Coventry quite early on, that’s still my favourite. There’s no regulation down there obviously, no one to tell you what you can’t do, so if stripping off entirely and covering yourself in whiskey is what you think is appropriate thats what you do. No one there had heard our music before either, in hindsight they were probably only enjoying it because they themselves were hopped up on some narcotic cocktail. Either way, that sort of descent into complete anarchic bliss is something I’ve been craving to recreate at a more reputable venue. I want to strip nude and cover myself in whiskey at the Moth Club or something is what I’m saying, I think? 

Keep up to date with Pigeonhole on instagram, and check out the new single on Spotify and all streaming platforms.