Meadows Remain

Concept: Domantas Storukas & Gintarė Ankėnaitė

Character: Gintarė Ankėnaitė

Camera, editing, music, words: Domantas Storuka

“The video was shot with VHS camera last summer in Lithuania. It was shot intuitively while being part of the experience. With this video I want to offer a voyeuristic gaze into the human being who becomes an extension of nature. Human merges with nature, becomes one and gradually unsignified. It’s genderless human and nature symbiosis that connects and breathes with empathy. Our wish is to put the viewer’s gaze through an altered reality lens and create a space for subjective interpretations and floating meaning.

I was inspired by baltic countries pagan mythology. In particular, the stories and myths of fairy-like woodland spirit (Laumė), I think, offer a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all things, and the vital role that the natural world plays in our lives and in our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. The myths continues to evolve and adapt to the changing world around it and offers a window into the human experience and our ongoing search for connection in the world.”